Sunday, November 23, 2008

Learning how to manage

An Archway to New Ideas, and Family Bonds

What started with a 4:45 a.m. wakeup call ended in a weekend to never forget. From Thursday to Sunday seniors and sophomores from our staff attended the National Scholastic Press Association’s fall conference in St. Louis to learn new and innovative ideas to bring back to the staff. In the morning we attended workshops and in the afternoons and evenings we ventured around the somewhat deserted city of St. Louis.

Here are some tips from workshops that I attended that you can all apply to your work in yearbook:
Provide a more journalistic approach to everything that you do
Create a coverage diagram while planning spreads
Always include a secondary headline
Keep copy formats consistent throughout the book
Incorporate design and color into headlines
Include students in the book at least three times
Include more feature writing in spreads
Design spreads from the inside of a page to the outside (leaving white space for the outside border)

Not only did we have the chance to attend workshops over the weekend, but we also made a special visit to the famous St. Louis Arch. It may have been freezing for us Floridians, but that didn’t stop us from having a good time and bonding as a family. I encourage all of you to attend as many workshops as you can throughout yearbook in the future. It is a great learning experience that helps you form close bonds with other staffers. So look out for applications for CSPA’s spring conference in March. They are coming soon to a yearbook room near you.

Haley Goldsmith

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